Ainsley Maitland-Niles has joined Roma on loan until the end of the season it’s been revealed on
They mention that AMN has been with us since he was six years old, but it seems as though lack of playing time was the main reason for his move to Italy where he will work under Jose Mourinho. You may remember Mourinho as the Manager who has won trophies at every club he’s ever worked at, well apart from one that is… (spoiler alert, it was Tottenham).
Maitland-Niles has been loaned out before to Ipswich in 2015 under Arsene Wenger, and he’s also played for West From on loan a couple of seasons ago.
It looked like he might have found a new lease of life after winning the Man of the Match award in last season’s Community Shield after he scored one of his trademark ice-cold penalties but it now looks like Arteta has ruled him out of his plans ahead of our transfer window activity.